The Chinese culture town in Greece
Project holder: Mrs. Kaperoni Nikoleta / Public Relations Manager
The total amount of investment is 200,000,000 euros. The state development bank can provide 60% bank loans (need a guarantee of domestic enterprises)
The town is located in Glyfada beach, a new area for the rich in Athens, with a building area of 33,000 square meters. A series of buildings can be built here, including hotels, restaurants, international halls, senior merchandise center, Cultural entertainment center, Chinese culture center, etc. The project can obtain the national funding, besides, it also have a complete design and planning.
1.Business Concept
The scope of this project is to promote “PHILOXENIA TOWN in ATTICA –GREECE” internationally as a tourist and cultural destination, a meeting point of two great civilizations, of 5000 years of age. PHILOXENIA TOWN will promote the traditional greek hospitality internationally, in an era where the international developments on Tourism and Culture are given a new perspective.
The idea is to establish a Town of Culture with distinct Chinese features in alliance with the Greek Civilization. In essence, it will comprise a cultural and entertainment paradise in Attica, incorporated perfectly in Attica’s landscape and history. Eventually, it will be a Theme Park, like those operating around the world and attracting millions of local and international visitors every year.
Apart from hosting the Chinese Culture and Philosophy, PHILOXENIA TOWN will offer a kaleidoscope of goods, images, tastes, spectacles, operas, musical, artistic and cultural events, and thanks to integrated infrastructure it will become a meeting point of people originated from all over the world.
The activities will include art exhibitions, fora with leading opinion makers, creative workshops, seminars on handicraft, dance, 3D audiovisual projections on customs and the way of living and thinking of the Chinese and Greek people etc. In the museum of the town, the visitor will experience a 5000year historical parade of Chinese and Greek Civilizations.
Furthermore, the visitor of PHILOXENIA TOWN will be able to familiarize with and buy both traditional and contemporary consumables of Chinese, Greek and international origin in a Marketplace designed and destined not only to combine and enlarge the elements and the principles of operation of the Chinese and Greek “markets”, but also cover successfully the current needs and desires of the globalized citizen/consumer.
In conjunction with the provision of services for hospitality, culture and entertainment to the citizens and visitors of Attica for professional reasons or tourism It is expected that PHILOXENIA TOWN will attract a great number of visitors, thus becoming a crossroad of culture, a modern “agora” and a destination point for interested people.
2.Master Plan
The project is envisaged to be fully completed within 10 years, from start and will be developed gradually with continuous upgrading and expansion of the services offered. The 10year span represents the average development period of similar schemes, because the establishment of the infrastructure requires cross~connections between different service sections and adequate time for their interaction.
Taking into account that Mall - type projects have only recently appeared in Attica, while the existing investments on Luna Parks, playgrounds etc. do not offer any differentiation in their operations, it is clear that the establishment of a town of Culture, Entertainment and Hospitality which, at the same time, will operate as a contemporary “agora”, is indeed a mature investment proposal.
The success of this project is based on a Master Plan, which has been drawn on the following principles:
a. Clear Positioning of the Entertainment and Hospitality Sections, based on the rationale of offering integrates services.
b. Provision of poles of interest in the form of different “choices”, where each pole “adds” onto the other,creating an increased number of visits and prolonging the stay of the visitor in the Town.
c. Combination of entertainment with culture (in the form of suitable infrastructure which can host musicalevents exhibitions, various artisti~cultural events and interactive activities) aiming at providing the Town with a unique indetify.
d.Clear differentiation from existing entertainment and/or hospitality facilities in order to attract the interest of target groups of people who seek advanced services, in their leisure time.
e.Offering the visitor shopping opportunities, by just walking through the marketplace of the Town, in an “easy-going” and relaxed manner, based on the principle that the “agora” remains, inter alia, a place of congregation and communication.